School Administration
Faculty Members
Jianfeng CAI
  • Professor, Department of Mathematics
Huai-Liang CHANG
  • Professor, Department of Mathematics
Jeffrey Robert CHASNOV
  • Professor, Department of Mathematics
  • Professor, Department of Mathematics
  • Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics
  • Program Director of MSc in Financial Mathematics
  • Co-Director of Risk Management and Business Intelligence Program
Beifang CHEN
  • Professor, Department of Mathematics
Kam Hang CHENG
  • Lecturer II, Department of Mathematics
Edmund Yik Man CHIANG
  • Professor, Department of Mathematics
Shuoqing DENG
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Tsz Ho Frederick FONG
  • Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics
  • UG Programs Coordinator (Mathematics)
Lin FU
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Jimmy Chi Hung FUNG
  • Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning)
  • Chair Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability
  • Chair Professor, Department of Mathematics
  • Program Director of MSc in Mathematics for Educators
  • Associate Director of Atmospheric Research Center
  • Associate Director of Institute for the Environment
Jianping GAN
  • Head and Chair Professor, Department of Ocean Science
  • Chair Professor, Department of Mathematics
  • Chair Professor, Division of Environment and Sustainability
  • Director of Center for Ocean Research in Hong Kong and Macau
  • Director of Joint Lab for Coastal Observation and Modeling
  • Director of Ocean Dynamics and Modeling Program