30 Aug 2019
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Seminar on Pure Mathematics - Correlators for finite conformal field theories
Correlators of a rational conformal field theory (RCFT) can be described as specific elements in spaces of conformal blocks.
28 Aug 2019
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
PhD Student Seminar - Deep Learning Techniques for Music Generation
Can machines generate music? Recent deep learning-driven systems have made breakthroughs on this topic. Some famous among them are Coconet, DeepBach, GLSR-VAE, C-RNN-GAN, etc. However the generated music is still not satisfying based on the feedbacks from different music communities.
28 Aug 2019
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
CHEM - PhD Student Seminar - Application of Neural Network for the Development of Coarse Grained Model
Student: Miss Xiaowei WANG Department: Department of Chemistry, HKUST Supervisor: Professor Xuhui HUANG
28 Aug 2019
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
CHEM - PhD Student Seminar - Apply Integral Equation Theory to Molecular Recognition
Student: Mr. Yeqing YU Department: Department of Chemistry, HKUST Supervisor: Professor Xuhui HUANG
20 Aug 2019
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Seminar on Pure Mathematics - The Hull-Strominger system over Riemann surfaces
The Hull-Strominger system is a system of nonlinear PDEs describing the geometry of compactification of heterotic strings with flux to 4d Minkowski spacetime, which can be regarded as a generalization of Ricci-flat Kahler metrics coupled with Hermitian Yang-Mills equation on non-Kahler Calabi-Yau 3-
20 Aug 2019
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
CHEM Seminar - Insight into the Role of PC71BM on Enhancing the Photovoltaic Performance of Ternary Organic Solar Cells
Speaker: Professor Zhiyuan XIE Institution: Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hosted by: Professor Henry He YAN   Abstract
20 Aug 2019
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
CHEM Seminar - All-Polymer Solar Cells Based on Novel Narrow-Bandgap Polymer Acceptors
Speaker: Professor Maojie ZHANG Institution: College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University Hosted by: Professor Henry He YAN   Abstract
20 Aug 2019
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
CHEM Seminar - Efficient Flexible Organic Solar Cells
Speaker: Professor Ziyi GE Instution: Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hosted by: Henry He YAN   Abstract
For more past events from across the School of Science, please visit here.