21 Oct 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Physics - Adaptation of Microswimmers in Natural and Artificial Systems
21 Oct 2022
2022淺談物理學講座 3 ── 不科學的科學
2022淺談物理學講座 3 ── 不科學的科學 由物理系主辦的2022淺談物理學講座旨在以非正式和深入淺出的方式介紹現代物理和近期研究進展。內容涵蓋量子力學發展史和太空生物可能存在的線索。
20 Oct 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Pure Mathematics - Geometric Langlands and co-adjoint orbits
Geometric Langlands can be interpreted as a mirror symmetry between the moduli space of Higgs bundle of group $G$ via the same moduli space of its Langlands dual $G'$. Once we
18 Oct 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Science Majors Week 2022 - Popular Science Talk: 2022 Physics Nobel Prize - Into The Wild Quantum World
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 has been awarded to three pioneers for their experiments on the foundations of quantum mechanics and its potential future applications.
17 Oct 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Statistics and Data Science - Exponential Lower Bounds and Fast Convergence for Policy Optimization
Policy gradient (PG) methods and their variants lie at the heart of modern reinforcement learning. Due to the intrinsic non-concavity of value maximization, however, the theoretical underpinnings of PG-type methods have been limited even until recently.
14 Oct 2022
2022淺談物理學講座 2 ── 淺談量子力學
2022 淺談物理學講 座  2  ──  淺談量子力學 由物理系主辦的2022淺談物理學講座旨在以非正式和深入淺出的方式介紹現代物理和近期研究進展。內容涵蓋量子力學發展史和太空生物可能存在的線索。
14 Oct 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Mathematics Colloquium - Convex hulls of random walks
We will show how the convex hulls of multidimensional random walks can be studied using the geometric properties of the polyhedral cones. In particular, we will discuss some unexpected corollaries from the conic version of the Gauss-Bonnet formula.
14 Oct 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on PDE - Higher order asymptotics for fast diffusions on bounded domains
Sobolev-subcritical fast diffusion with vanishing boundary condition leads to finite-time extinction, with a vanishing profile selected by the initial datum. In a joint work with R. McCann and C. Seis, we quantify the rate of convergence to this profile for
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