13 Oct 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Decarbonising Hong Kong 2050 Series: Is Hydrogen The New Oil?
Transport accounts for around one-fifth of global carbon emissions. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the transport sector is actively exploring alternative fuels as it charts a path towards sustainable mobility.
13 Oct 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Pure Mathematics - Logarithmic R-map
The fundamental object of Gromov-Witten theory is the notation of stable map to a target Kahler/Symplectic manifold.  In LG A-model in physics, the target carries an
7 Oct 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on PDE - The singular set in the Stefan problem
The Stefan problem, dating back to the XIXth century, is probably the most classical and important free boundary problem. The regularity of free boundaries in the Stefan problem was developed in the groundbreaking paper (Caffarelli, Acta Math. 1977).
7 Oct 2022
2022淺談物理學講座 1 ── 淺談狹義相對論
2022淺談物理學講座 1 ── 淺談狹義相對論 由物理系主辦的2022淺談物理學講座旨在以非正式和深入淺出的方式介紹現代物理和近期研究進展。內容涵蓋量子力學發展史和太空生物可能存在的線索。
7 Oct 2022
2022淺談物理學講座 1 ── 淺談狹義相對論
由物理系主辦的2022淺談物理學講座旨在以非正式和深入淺出的方式介紹現代物理和近期研究進展。內容涵蓋量子力學發展史和太空生物可能存在的線索。日期: 7/10 (星期五)時間: 7:00 - 8:00 PM語言: 廣東話講者: 陳天問教授提交此問卷後,我們會在講座前一天把場地和Zoom會議連結發送到您的電郵地址
3 Oct 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Pure Mathematics - A difference equation approach to Plancherel-Rotach asymptotics for q-orthogonal polynomials
We employ a difference equation approach to study the Plancherel-Rotach asymptotics of q-orthogonal polynomials about their largest zeros.
30 Sep 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
IAS Center for Quantum Technologies Seminar Series - Quantum Networks, Computations and Simulations with Spins in Diamond
For Attendees' Attention This talk will be held online via Zoom. To attend, please join the Zoom meeting at https://hkust.zoom.us/j/92503111371 (Meeting ID: 925 0311 1371 / Passcode: 475970).
30 Sep 2022
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
OCES Departmental Seminar: The impact of lee waves on the Southern Ocean circulation and its response to changes in wind stress 
The westerly wind over the Southern Ocean has been strengthening and shifting poleward for the last few decades.
For more past events from across the School of Science, please visit here.