Most Birds Seen 2nd Runner Up in the Big Bird Race Award (Professional Teams), Big Bird Race 2021
Orca Ho Bun Yu (Year 4)
Life Science
Collaborative Research Fund (2020/2021)
Prof. Gyu Boong Jo, Prof. Yilong Han, Prof. Tao Liu and Prof. Ho Bun Chan
2020 National Key Research and Development Programs by Ministry of Science and Technology of China
Prof. Ning Wang
Pople Medal by Asia-Pacific Association of Theoretical & Computational Chemists
Prof. Xuhui Huang
2020 School Teaching Award
Prof. Yi Wang
2020 School Research Award
Prof. Jiguang Wang
Life Science
2020 School Service Award
Prof. Tom Cheung
Life Science
Championship of HKIE Environmental Division Prize for Best Final Year Environmental Project 2019-20
Tsz Man Cheung and Chun Sing Chow
Ocean Science
Silver Award in the Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2020
Prof. Jimmy Fung
The 2021 AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize in Applied Mathematics, the American Mathematical Society and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Prof. Gunther Uhlmann