2019 School Research Award
Prof. Gyu-Boong Jo
2019 School Teaching Award
Prof. Ho Yi Mak
Life Science
The 2019 HKMS Best Thesis Award by The Hong Kong Mathematical Society
Tao Luo (PhD graduate)
The 2019 HKMS Best Thesis Award by The Hong Kong Mathematical Society
Hao Liu (PhD graduate)
2019 Excellent Young Scientist Fund by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
Prof. Jiguang Wang
Life Science
Member of Hong Kong Academy of Science
Prof. Ping Sheng
Fellow of Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
Prof. Hongbin Liu
Ocean Science
Fellow of American Physical Society
Prof. Shengwang Du
APRU Asia Pacific Student Case Competition by 2019 New York Times
Cherie Hiu Yu Leung (MPhil student)
Life Science, Ocean Science
International Entrepreneur of the Year by the Link Future Foundation
Prof. Wan-Keung R. Wong
Life Science