2nd Runner-up of 2018 Mr Armin and Mrs Lillian Kitchell Undergraduate Research Award
Juntao WANG
1st Runner-up of 2018 Mr Armin and Mrs Lillian Kitchell Undergraduate Research Award
Da Wei David REN
1st Runner-up of 2018 Mr Armin and Mrs Lillian Kitchell Undergraduate Research Award
Chun Yin YIP
Champion of 2018 Mr Armin and Mrs Lillian Kitchell Undergraduate Research Award
Lingbang ZHU
Champion of the 29th Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad 2018
Seungyeon Olivia Lee, Jacqueline Cheryl Sabrina and Ting Hei Matthew Wong
First HKUST Scholar Wins Top Prize of State Natural Science Award for Outstanding Achievements in Aggregation-induced Emission (AIE)
Prof. Benzhong Tang
Merit Award under the category of chemical engineering and environmental energy, Challenge Cup, National Competition – Hong Kong Regional Final, Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2018, by the New Generation Cultural Association Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre of Hong Kong
Kam Tim Cheung, Ching Man Fung and Chin Yan Suen
Life Science
Croucher Senior Research Fellowship Award 2018 by the Croucher Foundation
Prof. Mingjie Zhang
Life Science
Best Paper Award in the first annual meeting of the International Consortium of Chinese Mathematician (ICCM 2017)
Prof. Huailiang Chang
Best Paper Award in the first annual meeting of the International Consortium of Chinese Mathematician (ICCM 2017)
Prof. Weiping Li