Jury's Gold Medal
Prof. Ping Sheng
HLHL Foundation for Scientific and Technological Progress Award (The Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation)
Prof. Benzhong Tang
2017 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Research Article of the Year Award (AGRO division) by the American Chemistry Society
Prof. Simon Wan Chan
Top 10 Innovators Under 35 (Regional) by MIT Technology Review 2017
Prof. Angela Wu
Life Science
Econometric Theory Plura Scripsit Award in 2017
Prof. Shiqing Ling
School of Science Young Scientist Award 2016
Gen Long (PhD student)
Winner of the Leader of the Year 2016 in Education/Professions/Technology & Innovation by the Sing Tao News Corporation Limited
Prof. Mingjie Zhang
Life Science
Second-class Honor of 2016 Natural Science Award by the State Council
Prof. Peiyuan Qian
Life Science
2016 Hong Kong Institute of Science Young Scientist award
Dr. Menglong Zeng (PhD graduate)
Life Science
2016 Golden Medical Award by the Global Medical Discovery
Prof. Wan-Keung R. Wong
Life Science