Entrepreneurship |
Strengthen Your Brain with Chinese Herbs to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Seeing how Alzheimer’s disease has turned her beloved aunt from a sprightly 75-year-old to a confusing mind, Dr. Fanny IP Chui-Fun says…

Announcements |
Discovering Science at HKUST (21 & 28 November 2020)

“Discovering Science at HKUST” is an annual event organized by the School of Science to provide an opportunity for senior…

Teaching and Learning |
HKUST Launches HK’s First Degree Programs with Extended Major

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) will introduce a novel academic framework “Major + X” as a new degree option…

Research and Innovation |
HKUST Researchers Developed the World's First Sound-transmitting Glass Material

Glass is a sound-proof material, but researchers at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) have discovered a way…

Student development & Bonding |
Helping Hand for the Needy during Crisis

Before the third wave of COVID-19 outbreak hit Hong Kong in mid-July, Ryan FUNG Kei-Ning, an HKUST Year 2 business student, along with…

Announcements |
HKUST Virtual Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions


Arts & Creativity |
Recognizing Talents in Arts and Diversity

HKUST’s emphases on science and technology disciplines does not deter artistic talents from pursuing their studies and interests in…

Research and Innovation |
The Science behind COVID-19 Testing

Resurgence of COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong once again left us all worrying about our safety in the midst of the global pandemic.…

Research and Innovation |
HKUST Researchers Uncover Chemo-resistance Mechanism in Glioma Patients

An international research team co-led by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Beijing Neurosurgical Institute,…

Teaching and Learning |
Jump-starting Your Research Career – The Stories of Two International Research Enrichment (IRE) Students

Achieving top scores of 5** in seven subjects in Hong Kong’s Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination, Katherine LAI Man-Wai…

Announcements |
Why choose School of Science at HKUST? – Message from Prof. Tim Leung to DSE students

Hi, DSE students, I am Prof. Tim Leung from HKUST. While you are waiting for the release of DSE results, I would like to let you know…

Announcements |
Why choose the Mathematics and Economics (MAEC) Program at HKUST?

The Mathematics and Economics (MAEC) Program is jointly offered by the School of Science and the School of Business and…