Speaker: Professor Chun Sing LEE
Institution: Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong
Hosted by: Professor Benzhong TANG

About the speaker

Prof. Chun Sing Lee obtained his BSc and PhD degrees from the University of Hong Kong in 1987 and 1991 respectively. He then furthered his research career in the University of Birmingham of UK with the support from a Croucher Foundation Fellowship. He jointed the faculty of the City University of Hong Kong in 1994 and is currently a Chair Professor of Materials Chemistry. He co-founded the Center Of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films (COSDAF) in 1998 and is now the Center’s Director. Prof. Lee’s current research interests include organic electronics devices and nanomaterials for energy, environmental and biomedical applications.
3 Jul 2019
10:30am - 12pm
Room 4502, 4/F (Lifts 25/26), Academic Building, HKUST
Department of Chemistry
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PG Students, Faculty and Staff
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