Press Releases  | 15 Feb 2024

Prof. Kam Tuen LAW Awarded the 2023 Achievement in Asia Award (The Robert T. Poe Prize)

Prof. Kam Tuen LAW

Prof. Kam Tuen LAW, Professor of Physics at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), has been honored with the 2023 Achievement in Asia Award (The Robert T. Poe Prize) by the International Organisation of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers (OCPA).

This esteemed award was granted to Prof. Law in recognition of his discovery of Ising superconductors and pioneering theoretical works on Majorana fermion physics and unconventional superconducting phenomena. In 2015, he co-discovered a new type of superconductors, which he named Ising superconductors, with two experimental groups in the Netherlands and in the United States, respectively. He has since predicted several key properties of Ising superconductors through theoretical research. Prof. Law has also made significant contributions to the understanding of topological superconductors and other topological phases of matter in the past decade.

Established in 1993, the 2023 Achievement in Asia Award is presented annually to a physicist/astronomer (or a team of Physicists/astronomers) of Chinese ethnicity working in Asia who has (have) made outstanding contributions in physics or astronomy.

Prof. Kam Tuen LAW received his BSc degree from HKUST in 2003 and completed his PhD degree in Physics at Brown University in 2008. Following his graduation, he worked as a Croucher Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT before joining HKUST in 2011. Over the years, Prof. Law has received different awards and recognitions. In 2015, he was awarded the Croucher Innovation Award, and in 2020, he was named a Hong Kong Research Grants Council Research Fellow. He is also an elected member and the Founding President (2018-2021) of the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences.

For media enquiries, please contact:

Ms Grace Chan
Tel: 2358-6083