Life Science
| 18 Jul 2024
| 6 Jun 2024
Ocean Science
| 16 May 2024
Life Science
| 20 Feb 2024
| 2 Feb 2024
Prof Zhang Mingjie (right) and Prof Ye Fei conduct tests on the human brain organoid specimens derived from schizophrenia patients
Prof Zhang Mingjie (right) and Prof Ye Fei conduct tests on the human brain organoid specimens derived from schizophrenia patients
Life Science
Award-winning HKUST Neuroscientist Discovers Mechanism of Schizophrenia

A research team led by Prof. ZHANG Mingjie (Life Science) has recently reached a breakthrough unveiling the fundamental mechanism that causes schizophrenia... 

(From left) Prof Du Shengwang and his team members Dr Zhao Teng and Dr Zhao Luwei develop a new generation of microscope.
(From left) Prof Du Shengwang and his team members Dr Zhao Teng and Dr Zhao Luwei develop a new generation of microscope.
HKUST Discovers New Technology to Capture Live Cell Images Opening New Possibilities to the Study of Cell Biology

Researchers at HKUST have developed a new generation of microscope, which not only could capture 3D live cell videos, but the resulted images are... 

Prof. SHENG Ping(Middle) and his research team members Dr. MA Guancong(Left) and Mr. FU Caixing(Right)
Prof. SHENG Ping(Middle) and his research team members Dr. MA Guancong(Left) and Mr. FU Caixing(Right)
HKUST Researchers Create Solid Metamaterials with Fluid-like Property that Can Be Used for Wave Filtering and May Help Protect Buildings from Earthquakes

HKUST researchers have successfully created solid composite materials with the unique wave property of fluid...

Prof. QIAN demonstrates the effect of his antifouling coating. The smooth surface on the left is a result after applying the coating for 18 months, while the one on the right shows what happened after more than two years.
Prof. QIAN demonstrates the effect of his antifouling coating. The smooth surface on the left is a result after applying the coating for 18 months, while the one on the right shows what happened after more than two years.
Ocean Science
HKUST Professor Wins State Science Award for Discovery that Could Remap Marine Ecosystem and Boosts Efficiency for Shipping Industry

Researchers at HKUST has uncovered a century-old mystery on marine benthos organisms, which not only leads to the finding of a non-toxic anti-fouling coating... 

Prof. ZHANG Mingjie and his PhD student Mr. ZENG Menglong with their research paper published in the top scientific journal Cell on August 25, 2016
Prof. ZHANG Mingjie and his PhD student Mr. ZENG Menglong with their research paper published in the top scientific journal Cell on August 25, 2016
Life Science
Discovery of Possible Mechanisms of Human Brain Disorders That May Shed Light on New Treatments

A research team led by Prof. ZHANG Mingjie (Life Science) has achieved a breakthrough that provides mechanistic insights into the causes that lead to various neuropsychiatric...

Prof. Henry He YAN (middle)’s research team
Prof. Henry He YAN (middle)’s research team
Breakthrough Discovery of a New Material System that Opens a New Era for Organic Solar Cells

Researchers at HKUST have discovered a novel material system that would revolutionize the future development of Organic Solar Cells (OSCs)... 

Officiating guests at the plaque unveiling ceremony: (from left to right) HKUST President Prof. Tony F CHAN; Mr Raymond CHU; Prof. Joseph LEE, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies; and Prof. QIANG Yang, New Bright Professor of Engineering, Chair Professor and Head of Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
Officiating guests at the plaque unveiling ceremony: (from left to right) HKUST President Prof. Tony F CHAN; Mr Raymond CHU; Prof. Joseph LEE, Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies; and Prof. QIANG Yang, New Bright Professor of Engineering, Chair Professor and Head of Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
HKUST Establishes Laboratory on Big Data for Bio Intelligence

HKUST celebrated the opening of The Big Data for Bio Intelligence Laboratory which is dedicated to designing data analytic solutions for big data in biology...

Prof. Nancy IP (front row, middle), Prof. Amy FU. (front row, second right), Prof. Tom CHEUNG (front row, second left) and other research team members
Prof. Nancy IP (front row, middle), Prof. Amy FU. (front row, second right), Prof. Tom CHEUNG (front row, second left) and other research team members
Life Science
Breakthrough Discoveries at HKUST Offer New Hope for Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

A research team led by scientists from HKUST has discovered that a protein found in the human body could be potentially developed as an effective treatment... 

Prof. LIU Kai from the Division of Life Science
Prof. LIU Kai from the Division of Life Science
Life Science
Discovery of New Measures to Facilitate Neural Repair

Damage to axons in the central nervous system (CNS) typically results in permanent functional deficits. If injured neurons can regenerate sufficient number of axons...

Prof. Henry He YAN (middle) and his team develop a record-efficient organic solar cell
Prof. Henry He YAN (middle) and his team develop a record-efficient organic solar cell
Develop Environmentally Friendly Organic Solar Cells with Record Performance

A record-efficient organic solar cell developed by a research team of HKUST via an environmentally-friendly method, has been put on the renowned “Best Research-Cell Efficiencies Chart”...