研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Applied Mathematics - Lattice Boltzmann method for variable density low Mach flows
Variable density low Mach (VDLM) flows are frequently encountered in many natural and engineering applications, such as atmosphere convection, ocean circulation, premixed and diffusion flame, fires, and multiphase or flows.
会议, 座谈会, 论坛
Advanced Industrial Technology Summit
The past decades have witnessed the dramatic technology renovation, and advanced industrial technology significantly improves the quality of our life.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Physics Department - Excitons and Correlated Physics in TMDC Moiré Superlattice
HKUST Big Data Institute Workshop on Big Data and Biomedical & Chemical Science 
Jointly organized by the HKUST Big Data Institute and Division of Life Science, the workshop aims to discuss the most advanced progress in the area of adapting AI & Data techniques in Biomedicine and Biochemistry.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Physics Department - Towards Quantum-enhance Sensing and Imaging
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Physics Department - Nonreciprocal Interactions - Drops of Activeliquids and Arrested Coarsening
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on PDE - Leapfrogging for Euler equations
We consider the Euler equations for incompressible fluids in 3-dimension. A classical question that goes back to Helmholtz is to describe the evolution of vorticities with a high concentration around a curve.
研讨会, 演讲, 讲座
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Statistics and Data Science - Semiparametric efficient G-estimation with invalid instrumental variables
The instrumental variable method is widely used in the health and social sciences for identification and estimation of causal effects in the presence of potential unmeasured confounding.