| 2024 年 7 月 18 日
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| 2024 年 5 月 16 日
| 2024 年 2 月 20 日
| 2024 年 2 月 2 日
Prof. LIU Kai, Cheng Associate Professor from the Division of Life Science.
Prof. LIU Kai, Cheng Associate Professor from the Division of Life Science.


HKUST Chair Professor of the Division of Life Science and project coordinator of the Pangu collaboration Prof. ZHANG Mingjie (left); Co-founder and Director of aTyr Pharma and Senior Visiting Fellow at HKUST’s Institute for Advanced Study Prof. Paul SCHIMMEL (middle) and President and CEO of aTyr Dr. Sanjay SHUKLA (right) introduce how aTyr1923 can modulate interstitial lung disease.
HKUST Chair Professor of the Division of Life Science and project coordinator of the Pangu collaboration Prof. ZHANG Mingjie (left); Co-founder and Director of aTyr Pharma and Senior Visiting Fellow at HKUST’s Institute for Advanced Study Prof. Paul SCHIMMEL (middle) and President and CEO of aTyr Dr. Sanjay SHUKLA (right) introduce how aTyr1923 can modulate interstitial lung disease.

美国圣地亚哥和香港 aTyr Pharma公司(纳斯达克股票代码:LIFE)发布其香港子公司 – 盘古生物制药(盘古)和香港科技大学(科大)合作研发了aTyr Pharma的主要临床候选药物ATYR1923...

Prof. WANG Jiguang (left) collaborates with Prof. JIANG Tao to bring their mutational mechanism research into clinical practice that helps find new therapeutic lead for deadly brain cancer patients.
Prof. WANG Jiguang (left) collaborates with Prof. JIANG Tao to bring their mutational mechanism research into clinical practice that helps find new therapeutic lead for deadly brain cancer patients.
香港科技大学研究人员发现基因突变机制 为致命脑癌患者带来新治疗线索


Prof Zhang (left) and Dr Zeng (right) observe the synaptic protein interaction pattern in their laboratory
Prof Zhang (left) and Dr Zeng (right) observe the synaptic protein interaction pattern in their laboratory
香港科技大学硏究团队重构神经突触的关键元件 揭示其形成及调节机制 为精神障碍的诊断及早期治疗带来希望


Prof Bik Tye (third left) and Prof Yuanliang Zhai (second right) holding an ORC model with members of the research team
Prof Bik Tye (third left) and Prof Yuanliang Zhai (second right) holding an ORC model with members of the research team
香港科技大学研究团队揭示 DNA复制的全新机制


(From left) Prof. CHEN Yu from the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Prof. Amy FU, HKUST Research Associate Professor of Life Science; Prof. Nancy IP, HKUST Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies; PhD student ZHOU Xiaopu and Dr. MOK Kin Ying from University College London.
(From left) Prof. CHEN Yu from the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Prof. Amy FU, HKUST Research Associate Professor of Life Science; Prof. Nancy IP, HKUST Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies; PhD student ZHOU Xiaopu and Dr. MOK Kin Ying from University College London.
科大研究团队发现中国人群阿尔兹海默症相关的遗传风险因子 为疾病诊断和治疗提供重要基础


The research team led by Prof Qian Pei-Yuan (second left) discovered for the first time that “D-stereospecific resistance peptidases” could render peptide antibiotics useless.
The research team led by Prof Qian Pei-Yuan (second left) discovered for the first time that “D-stereospecific resistance peptidases” could render peptide antibiotics useless.
科大研究人员发现肽类抗生素耐药性机制 有助研发对付超级细菌的新抗生素

科大研究团队首次发现,细菌对广泛肽类抗生素产生耐药性的原因 ...

Prof Sun (third, left) and his research team at HKUST.
Prof Sun (third, left) and his research team at HKUST.
科大研究人员研发新方法制造手性分子 有助制造更安全、成本更低的药物


(From right) Prof Karen Chan and her research team members Abby Lo, Ng Pui-lam and Julia Leung discover microbeads’ (bottled) impact on bristle worms (in the Petri dish) and slipper limpets.
(From right) Prof Karen Chan and her research team members Abby Lo, Ng Pui-lam and Julia Leung discover microbeads’ (bottled) impact on bristle worms (in the Petri dish) and slipper limpets.
科大研究人员证实微塑料对海洋生物 成长与发展无可挽回的负面影响


Prof Karl Herrup (second left, front row), Prof Du Shengwang (second right, front row), Cheng Aifeng (left, back row) and their research team members.
Prof Karl Herrup (second left, front row), Prof Du Shengwang (second right, front row), Cheng Aifeng (left, back row) and their research team members.
