研討會, 演講, 講座
Seminar on PDE - Recent developments in the analysis of coherent structures in two dimensional Euler equation
It is well known that smooth solutions to the 2d Euler equation remain smooth and are globally defined. However the long time behavior of solutions is not well understood.
研討會, 演講, 講座
PHYS Seminar - Controllable Growth and Electric Structure of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Thin Films
研討會, 演講, 講座
Seminar on Pure Mathematics - The Quantum Yang-Baxter Conditions:The Fundamental Relations behindthe Nambu-Goldstone Theorem
We demonstrate that for systems experiencing spontaneous (internal) symmetry breaking, the Quantum Yang Baxter Equations (QYBE) can be interpreted as the superposition of all the possible vacuum expectation values of the order parameter.
研討會, 演講, 講座
CHEM Seminar - Chemical Biology of Protein Aggregation in the Stressed Proteome
Speaker: Professor Xin ZHANG Institution: Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University Hosted by: Professor Benzhong TANG   Abstract
研討會, 演講, 講座
Seminar on Applied Mathematics - On The Motion of Rigid Solid Particles in Visco-elastic Liquids
This lecture concerns the numerical simulation of the motion of rigid solid particles in a space region filled with an incompressible viscoelastic liquid.
研討會, 演講, 講座
CHEM Seminar - Halo-Functionalizations of Organic Molecules Enabled by Unique Organocatalysts
Speaker: Professor Yoshitaka Hamashima Institution: School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka Hosted by: Professor Rongbiao TONG   Abstract
研討會, 演講, 講座
Seminar on Applied Mathematics - A fast algorithm for electromagnetic scattering from axis-symmetric objects
Fast, high-accuracy algorithms for electromagnetic scattering from axisymmetric objects are of great importance when modeling physical phenomena in optics, materials science (e.g.
研討會, 演講, 講座
CHEM Seminar - Fluorescent Organic Nanoparticles for Theranostic Applications
Speaker: Professor Guangxue FENG Institution: School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology Hosted by: Professor Benzhong TANG   Abstract