研討會, 演講, 講座
PhD Student Seminar - On the computation of Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten invariants via N-Mixed-Spin-P field theory
In the talk, I will review recent progress on N-Mixed-Spin-P field theory and its application to the computation of Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten invariants.  
研討會, 演講, 講座
Seminar on Pure Mathematics - Kahler-Ricci flow on manifolds with singularity
In this talk, we will discuss the Kahler-Ricci flow on manifolds with cusp singularities and its motivation from analytic minimal model program.
研討會, 演講, 講座
Seminar on Pure Mathematics - Introduction to Hamiltonian Stationary Lagrangian submanifolds and a compactness theorem in 2 dimension
In this talk, we introduce the notion of Hamiltonian Stationary Lagrangian submanifolds and discuss their basic properties. We also prove a compactness theorem in 2 dimension.
Energy Institute - GP Batteries Joint workshop on Advanced Batteries
研討會, 演講, 講座
Seminar on Applied Mathematics - Decomposition Methods for ComputingD-Stationary Point
First, we presents a basic decomposition method for a broad class of multi-block nonsmooth optimization problems subject to coupled linear constraints on the variables, which motivated by block partitioned problems arising from group sparsity representation and generalized non-cooperative potential
研討會, 演講, 講座
Seminar on PDE - Recent developments in the analysis of coherent structures in two dimensional Euler equation
It is well known that smooth solutions to the 2d Euler equation remain smooth and are globally defined. However the long time behavior of solutions is not well understood.
研討會, 演講, 講座
CHEM - PhD Student Seminar - Bioadhesives of Common Shellfish Mechanisms
Student: Yiping JIANG Department Department of Chemistry, HKUST Supervisor: Professor Zhihong GUO
研討會, 演講, 講座
CHEM - PhD Student Seminar - Microorganisms - Assisted Enzymatic Transformation of Heavy Metal(loids)
Student: Miss Mingming QIN Department: Department of Chemistry, HKUST Supervisor: Professor Zhihong GUO