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The research team is led by Prof. Danny LEUNG, Associate Professor of the Division of Life Science and Director of the Center for Epigenomics Research at HKUST (left), and Prof. Liona POON, Chairperson of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at CUHK’s Faculty of Medicine.
The research team is led by Prof. Danny LEUNG, Associate Professor of the Division of Life Science and Director of the Center for Epigenomics Research at HKUST (left), and Prof. Liona POON, Chairperson of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at CUHK’s Faculty of Medicine.

香港科技大學(科大)和香港中文大學(中大)今日公佈重大研究突破,揭示感染2019冠狀病毒病 (COVID-19)或會導致妊娠晚期併發症。研究發現COVID-19會顯著改變胎盤的基因調控,為研發更好的治療方案提供潛在分子靶點,或減輕COVID-19對母體和胎兒健康所造成的負面影響。

Japanese black seabream, one of the fish species in the study
Japanese black seabream, one of the fish species in the study
Deciphering Fish Species Interactions for Climate Change Insights

A team led by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has developed a technique to study how different fish species interact with each other in a coastal region, a breakthrough that helps explain the complex relationships among marine species and how global warming impacts fish populations. By analyzing minute traces of fish DNA from samples of seawater, the team combined the use of environmental DNA – known as eDNA – and advanced statistical analysis to not only detect the presence of fish species, but also reveal how the species interact with each other. 

Prof. Tom CHEUNG, the S H Ho Associate Professor of Life Science in the Division of Life Science at HKUST (right), and his research group member Zhang Wenxin (Mphil student) (left).
Prof. Tom CHEUNG, the S H Ho Associate Professor of Life Science in the Division of Life Science at HKUST (right), and his research group member Zhang Wenxin (Mphil student) (left).
科大研究人員發現蛋白新靶點 或有助治療衰老相關疾病


HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP (center, front row), Director of HKUST’s Big Data Institute Prof. CHEN Lei (second left, front row), HKUST Division of Life Science Research Professor Prof. Amy FU (first right, front row), Hong Kong Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (HKCeND) Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Fanny IP (first left, front row) and the first author of the research paper Prof. Fred ZHOU Xiaopu (second right, front row) take a group photo with other members of the research team.
HKUST President Prof. Nancy IP (center, front row), Director of HKUST’s Big Data Institute Prof. CHEN Lei (second left, front row), HKUST Division of Life Science Research Professor Prof. Amy FU (first right, front row), Hong Kong Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (HKCeND) Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Fanny IP (first left, front row) and the first author of the research paper Prof. Fred ZHOU Xiaopu (second right, front row) take a group photo with other members of the research team.
科大取得重大科研突破 首度利用人工智能為阿爾茲海默症作早期風險預測


The authors of the published paper are, from left to right: Trung Duc Nguyen, Minh Khoa Ngo, Tuan Anh Nguyen (group leader), Thuy Linh Nguyen, and Thi Nhu-Y Le.
The authors of the published paper are, from left to right: Trung Duc Nguyen, Minh Khoa Ngo, Tuan Anh Nguyen (group leader), Thuy Linh Nguyen, and Thi Nhu-Y Le.
香港科技大學研究人員研究miRNA生物起源 揭開長久以來非經典切割機制的謎團

爲了研究並徹底驗證新發現的非經典切割機制,香港科技大學(科大)研究團隊在生命科學部助理教授阮俊英(Tuan Anh Nguyen)教授的帶領下,采用了多種尖端技術,如miRNA測序、pri-miRNA結構分析以及大約26萬個pri-miRNA的高通量切割實驗。與經典機制不同的是,非經典機制不依賴於經典機制所需的幾個關鍵蛋白和RNA特徵序列。

The surface of a colloidal crystal develops another crystal whose thickness increases with temperature in a power law before reaching the crystal-crystal transition temperature.
The surface of a colloidal crystal develops another crystal whose thickness increases with temperature in a power law before reaching the crystal-crystal transition temperature.


A research team led by Prof. TONG Rongbiao, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry at HKUST (middle)
A research team led by Prof. TONG Rongbiao, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry at HKUST (middle)
科大研究人員開發出嶄新方法合成炭疽黴素 刷新全球最高產量紀錄 有助研發針對超級細菌的強效抗生素

香港科技大學(科大)的研究團隊開發出一種嶄新化學合成方法製造炭疽黴素(anthracimycin)和炭疽黴素B (anthracimycin B),產量較現有方法多63倍,刷新全球最高產量紀錄。此項突破性的發現將大大推動把炭疽黴素轉化為抗生素的發展,以對付由抗生素耐藥細菌甚至超級細菌引起的致命細菌感染。

(From right) Prof. Angela WU, Associate Professor of HKUST’s Division of Life Science and Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, post-doctoral fellow Dr. Lei YU as well as co-author of the paper, TAM Sing Ting
(From right) Prof. Angela WU, Associate Professor of HKUST’s Division of Life Science and Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, post-doctoral fellow Dr. Lei YU as well as co-author of the paper, TAM Sing Ting
科大突破性發現罕見腫瘤細胞「間諜」 揭示不為人知的癌細胞


Dr. Thuy Linh NGUYEN (left), and Trung Duc NGUYEN (right) are the co-first authors of the paper.
Dr. Thuy Linh NGUYEN (left), and Trung Duc NGUYEN (right) are the co-first authors of the paper.


Extensive coral bleaching occurred across depths on the north shore of Moorea during the 2019 marine heatwave.  Photo credit: Peter J. Edmunds.
Extensive coral bleaching occurred across depths on the north shore of Moorea during the 2019 marine heatwave.  Photo credit: Peter J. Edmunds.
