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In CNS, such as retinal ganglion cells, IFNγ activates STAT1 in Ptpn2 cKO RGCs. STAT1 then upregulates neuronal cGAS expression. cGAS produces cGAMP and activate STING in neurons. In PNS, such as dorsal root ganglion, axotomy induces IFNγ expression in axons by local translation. And IFNγ activates STAT1-cGAS signaling and cGAMP production in surrounding Schwann cells and blood cells, to promote peripheral axon regeneration.
In CNS, such as retinal ganglion cells, IFNγ activates STAT1 in Ptpn2 cKO RGCs. STAT1 then upregulates neuronal cGAS expression. cGAS produces cGAMP and activate STING in neurons. In PNS, such as dorsal root ganglion, axotomy induces IFNγ expression in axons by local translation. And IFNγ activates STAT1-cGAS signaling and cGAMP production in surrounding Schwann cells and blood cells, to promote peripheral axon regeneration.

中樞神經系統一旦受創,例如在脊髓損傷的意外中,傷者很可能會永久喪失感覺或活動能力,當中的關鍵原因,是軸突斷裂後無法再生。目前,醫學界為脊髓損傷患者恢復活動能力的方法非常有限。若要為他們帶來治療希望,其中一個 研究方向,便是要破解令這些受傷軸突再生的方法。

Left: the solution is confined by graphene. Right: the solution is confined by stishovite (SiO2). The white, grey, red, and pink balls are the hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and silicon atoms, respectively.
Left: the solution is confined by graphene. Right: the solution is confined by stishovite (SiO2). The white, grey, red, and pink balls are the hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and silicon atoms, respectively.


Changes in aging stem cells
Changes in aging stem cells
科大團隊破解幹細胞變化之謎 為抗衰老研究邁進一大步


Prof. Nancy IP (first row second right) and her research team members.
Prof. Nancy IP (first row second right) and her research team members.
科大發現血液蛋白新靶點 開拓治療阿爾茲海默症新方向


(From left) Prof. Chen Qing and his research group members Dr. Li Liangyu (postdoctoral fellow) and Xiao Diwen (PhD student) at the lab of HKUST Energy Institute. On the lab bench is a set-up for fabricating the nanoporous zinc metal electrode.
(From left) Prof. Chen Qing and his research group members Dr. Li Liangyu (postdoctoral fellow) and Xiao Diwen (PhD student) at the lab of HKUST Energy Institute. On the lab bench is a set-up for fabricating the nanoporous zinc metal electrode.
科大研發納米多孔鋅電極 即棄鹼性鋅電池也可充電


A joint research team from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and the LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) have demonstrated that ZCB11, a broadly neutralising antibody derived from a local mRNA-vaccinee against the spreading Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2, displays potent antiviral activities against all variants of concern (VOCs), including the dominantly spreading Omicron BA.1, BA1.1 and BA.2. The research team members include (from left): Professor Dang
A joint research team from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and the LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) have demonstrated that ZCB11, a broadly neutralising antibody derived from a local mRNA-vaccinee against the spreading Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2, displays potent antiviral activities against all variants of concern (VOCs), including the dominantly spreading Omicron BA.1, BA1.1 and BA.2. The research team members include (from left): Professor Dang
香港科技大學及港大醫學院聯合研究證明廣譜中和抗體 可保護敘利亞倉鼠免受SARS-CoV-2 Omicron變異株感染

香港科技大學(科大)的結構生物學家聯同香港大學愛滋病研究所、香港大學李嘉誠醫學院(港大醫學院)臨床醫學學院微生物學系與香港大學新發傳染病國家重點實驗室的研究人員已證明,源自本地 mRNA 疫苗接種者、針對SARS-CoV-2 Omicron變異株的廣譜中和抗體ZCB11,對所有受關注變異株(variants of concern, VOCs)包括當前主要流行的Omicron BA.1、BA.1.1 和 BA.2,均顯示出有效的抗病毒活性

Geographical location and bathymetry of the South China Sea.
Geographical location and bathymetry of the South China Sea.


In vivo 3P calcium imaging of spontaneous neuronal activity at different depths below pia of the somatosensory cortex of a CCK-GCaMP6s mouse (4-month-old) through the intact skull (110-μm thickness) with system correction only (left) and full AO correction (right).
In vivo 3P calcium imaging of spontaneous neuronal activity at different depths below pia of the somatosensory cortex of a CCK-GCaMP6s mouse (4-month-old) through the intact skull (110-μm thickness) with system correction only (left) and full AO correction (right).


The research team cultivates "mini brains" with stem cell technology to evaluate the patients’ brain reactions to potential drug candidates in developing novel AD treatments.
The research team cultivates "mini brains" with stem cell technology to evaluate the patients’ brain reactions to potential drug candidates in developing novel AD treatments.

香港神經退行性疾病中心(Hong Kong Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases,簡稱HKCeND)由香港科技大學(科大)成立,其研究團隊在阿爾茲海默症(AD)的早期診斷和治療方面取得了重大突破,有望為疾病管理帶來變革。

A diagram demonstrating how hedgehog molecules are secreted from the producing cells and received by the target cells to induce the signal transduction pathway in target cells.
A diagram demonstrating how hedgehog molecules are secreted from the producing cells and received by the target cells to induce the signal transduction pathway in target cells.
HKUST-led research reveals a novel molecular mechanism that regulates secretion of sonic hedgehog, shedding light on cancer treatments

A research led by HKUST has revealed a novel mechanism that regulates secretion of sonic hedgehog (Shh), a key signaling molecular that plays an important role in cancer progression, in mammals, opening the door to novel therapeutic strategies for cancer induced by the hedgehog signaling pathway.