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HKUST’s Vice-President for Research and Development, Prof. Nancy Ip (second right) and her research team members – including doctoral student and co-first author of this research paper, Ms. Stephanie DUAN Yangyang (first right) – used the confocal imaging system (pictured) to demonstrate how disruption of a familial Alzheimer’s disease mutation by genome editing strategy reduces disease pathology.
HKUST’s Vice-President for Research and Development, Prof. Nancy Ip (second right) and her research team members – including doctoral student and co-first author of this research paper, Ms. Stephanie DUAN Yangyang (first right) – used the confocal imaging system (pictured) to demonstrate how disruption of a familial Alzheimer’s disease mutation by genome editing strategy reduces disease pathology.
科大研發新型基因編輯策略 有助治療阿爾茨海默症


(Front Left) Prof. QIAN Peiyuan, Head and Chair Professor of HKUST’s Department of Ocean Science, (Front Right) Prof. QIU Jianwen, Professor of Hong Kong Baptist University’s Department of Biology and their research team.
(Front Left) Prof. QIAN Peiyuan, Head and Chair Professor of HKUST’s Department of Ocean Science, (Front Right) Prof. QIU Jianwen, Professor of Hong Kong Baptist University’s Department of Biology and their research team.


HKUST’s Vice-President (Research and Development) Prof. Nancy IP (Middle) and her research team members - including doctoral student Mr. Jason JIANG Yuanbing (second left) who is the first author of this research paper.
HKUST’s Vice-President (Research and Development) Prof. Nancy IP (Middle) and her research team members - including doctoral student Mr. Jason JIANG Yuanbing (second left) who is the first author of this research paper.
科大研發簡單血液測試 及早檢測阿爾茲海默症


Prof. WANG Jiguang (front, seated) and his research team
Prof. WANG Jiguang (front, seated) and his research team
HKUST-Beijing Tiantan Hospital Researchers Discover a New Cause for the Cerebral Cavernous Malformation

Researchers from the HKUST and Beijing Tiantan Hospital have recently uncovered a new gene mutation responsible for the non-familial patients of cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM)...

The movement of bacterial RNA Polymerase's Clamp and β-lobe (the purple and orange part in the picture, respectively) facilitates the DNA melting during initiation of transcription.
The movement of bacterial RNA Polymerase's Clamp and β-lobe (the purple and orange part in the picture, respectively) facilitates the DNA melting during initiation of transcription.
HKUST Scientists Discover How Antibiotics Target Bacterial RNAP to Inhibit Its Gene Transcription

A group of researchers at HKUST has uncovered the mechanism of how DNA is being melted to start bacterial gene transcription and how one class of antibiotics inhibits this process...

Prof. Huang (third left) and her research team.
Prof. Huang (third left) and her research team.
HKUST Researchers Develop a Novel Raman Spectroscopy Platform to Characterize Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Dilute Solution

It is challenging to analyze proteins at low concentrations, especially for those in a mixture of various conformations such as intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs)...

Simulation snapshot of a self-propelling topological defect in an active liquid crystal guided by a light pattern (shone in pink region)
Simulation snapshot of a self-propelling topological defect in an active liquid crystal guided by a light pattern (shone in pink region)
Active Liquid Crystal Systems Examined in Search of Autonomous Materials Systems

Liquid Crystals (LC) are widely deployed in display technology and optical fibers. From smartphones in your pockets to large screen TVs, LCs are everywhere... 

Prof. CHAN Wan (Fourth left), Prof. YU Jianzhen (Second right) and their research teams.
Prof. CHAN Wan (Fourth left), Prof. YU Jianzhen (Second right) and their research teams.


(Stock Photo) Prof. Qian Peiyuan (right) and LI Zhongrui (left) from his research team have been studying the microbe-animal interactions.
(Stock Photo) Prof. Qian Peiyuan (right) and LI Zhongrui (left) from his research team have been studying the microbe-animal interactions.

香港科技大學的一支跨學科研究團隊揭示了人類口腔變形鏈球菌(Streptococcus mutans)釋放出的新型微生物小分子與蛀牙的形成有關...

Prof. Sun (middle) and his research team
Prof. Sun (middle) and his research team
科大研究人員發現製造新種手性分子的新方法 為藥物發展帶來新希望