Frontier research with innovative resolution drives our society forward. Astonishing achievements in marine science and technology impacts on our society, which have been witnessed in the past decades. HKUST, as one of the world-class universities, is dedicated to cutting-edge research and technology innovation. To boost "Industry-University-Research" collaboration from various stakeholders, HKUST is going to organize “Frontier Research Summit” on 23 March 2023. The success of the event will integrate the joint efforts from different sectors and stimulate broad collaboration. Representatives from academia, industry and government are most welcome to join. Kindly register. Kindly register @ and more details can be found via .

23 Mar 2023
9:30am - 5:10pm
Lam Woo Lecture Theater (LT-B), HKUST

Hong Kong Branch of the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou)

Mr. Edmond Cheung, Officer, Tel: +852 3469 2384, Email:

Ms. Emma Zhou, Senior Manager, Tel: +852 3469 2855, Email:

Payment Details
Alumni, Faculty and staff, General public
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