23 Mar 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Chemistry Seminar - Facile Access to Chiral Phosphorus Compounds via Transition Metal-catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrophosphination
Speaker: Professor Jun WANG Institution: Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong Baptist University Hosted by: Professors Jianwei SUN and Yangjian QUAN
23 Mar 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Chemistry Seminar - Atropisomeric Phosphine Ligands: Synergism of C-N Axial Chirality with Relevant N-Coordination and Leverage of π-Arene Walking
Speaker: Professor Fuk Yee (Michael) KWONG Institution: Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hosted by: Professors Jianwei SUN and Yangjian QUAN
23 Mar 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Physics Department - Optical Spectroscopy of Wigner Nano-crystals in 2D Semiconductors
23 Mar 2023
Conference, Symposium, Forum
Frontier Research Summit
Frontier research with innovative resolution drives our society forward. Astonishing achievements in marine science and technology impacts on our society, which have been witnessed in the past decades.
22 Mar 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Special Colloquium in Mathematics - Quaternionic Analysis, Representation Theory and Physics
Representation theory of infinite-dimensional algebras motivates the present development of quaternionic analysis. We recall the Fueter quaternionic analogue of the Cauchy integral formula and consider its generalizations.
21 Mar 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Physics Department - Using Anisotropic Strain to Probe Multipolar Order Parameters
20 Mar 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Department of Mathematics - Seminar on Pure Mathematics - The derived birational geometry of nested quiver varieties
Recently, Jeroen Hekking developed the derived blow-up theory of closed embedding of derived schemes, which generalize the theory of Rydh and Khan of the regular embeddings.
20 Mar 2023
Seminar, Lecture, Talk
Physics Department - Quantum Simulation of Artificial Non-Abelian Gauge Fields Using an Ultracold Gas